You’ve Been Goosed

Goosed: give (something) a boost; to invigorate; increase
— Oxford Dictionary

The Story Behind “Goosing”

While away at Tulane University in New Orleans, Lauren was out one night having dinner (and likely a beverage or two) with her friends. As the story goes, she noticed a young family having dinner across the restaurant. Lauren watched them from afar as the kids colored at the table and bounced on Dad’s lap…having a great time. She also noticed how Mom and Dad were a bit more serious and deep in conversation. Dad was dressed in his military uniform, and Lauren suspected that perhaps he was preparing to be shipped out soon. Lauren was drawn to them and using the credit card we gave her for “emergencies only” she told their server she wanted to anonymously pick up their check.

Lauren called her Dad the next day to tell him she used the credit card – for the first time – and proceeded to explain why. While not qualifying as an emergency, the reason was certainly worthy beyond measure. Lauren’s nickname was “Goosey”…and she was called Goosey by everyone who knew her…thus the genesis of “Goosing”.

The “You’ve Been Goosed” movement began shortly after Lauren’s death…intended to celebrate Lauren’s life and carry on her legacy through random acts of kindness. With over 5,000 “You’ve Been Goosed” cards in circulation and stories of random “Goosings” happening almost daily, Lauren’s spirit is alive and well.

You’ve Been Goosed….now tell us about it!

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Order Goosey Cards

If you’d like a supply of “You’ve been Goosed!” cards, post a request below and we’ll ship them out to you! We’d like to collect $10 for each package (10 cards per package), but frankly if you don’t want to spend the money that’s fine, we’ll still send the cards because it’s a really cool idea.